Year 15

15 years of marriage! Happy Anniversary husband.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make a sappy, funny or short post. So here’s a little of it all.

15 years ago today we were married on a Friday - yes, not the most sought after day but when you want to get married at a specific place , on a holiday weekend and it has a tiger, you take a Friday!

It was hot! Like sweat reaching places you’d rather it not and hoping your guests didn’t melt while they waited. My memory can be super foggy at times but I remember that day being one the happiest and most fun days of my life. Saying our vows before God (which we kept short and sweet because gosh darn it, it was hot), hearing our niece who was 3 at the time hilariously yell to her dad about the pretty flowers in the middle of ceremony, taking an enormous family photo and heading to Jack in the Box in my wedding dress was something unforgettable.

In these 15 years we welcomed a dog then two incredible boys. We Learned ( and are still learning ) how to navigate life with a son that happens to have special needs and another with a personality larger than life. We’ve been through the normal ups and downs, steps forwards and backwards and still it seems, we are learning how to grow up ( our knees would suggest otherwise )…

Our sweet Bodie bear gave us 13 years!

Do I have any marriage advice? The only thing I can share with complete certainty is- keep God at the center of your marriage. Not in a passive way but in a way that shows we need Him. Pray for your spouse, pray with your spouse, encourage them, compliment and complement them. Date your spouse, talk to your spouse and communicate. Think about one another. It’s not always easy, it’s not always fun. Excitement fluctuates ( just like our weight) and seasons change but it is always worth it. Perfection is not the goal but looking towards heaven is. And if my marriage and motherhood is my only ministry here on earth, I’ll take that any time, any day. I will also take Tacos!

I love you Mike and cheers to a lifetime with you and our boys ( and looking like this again) .


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