Arch Trend

I have been absolutely loving the arch trend I've seen all over Instagram and Pinterest but for reasons - well ok ok, lack of confidence - I was reluctant to try. I decided to get over my "fear" and try it out! It's just paint right? I love all things home including trends and seriously need to get out of my head and try things!

I saved a few arches I loved from Pinterest and saved a few posts from IG to get an idea of what I wanted to do.

First, I thought about a couple of different places in our home like, our dining area and even behind the TV but ultimately I decided on the door in our kitchen that leads to our backyard. This door will eventually be replaced so, it was naturally a perfect place to try something new!

We started by using a level to make straight lines then used a pencil and string to make the arch ( If you're a visual leaner, like me, YouTube is your friend for a project like this ). Taping was pretty straight forward until we got to the arch. Mike actually used his knife to cut a narrow strip of tape so it was easier to make an arch. If you can't do it that way, just use small pieces of tape all around the arch. It's time consuming but it's super easy to do it that way.

We have blue kitchen cabinets with gold pulls so we needed a color that would complement it well. We chose Rodeo Tan by Behr ( eggshell/premium one coat). We only bought half a gallon and that was plenty!

Now, we paint! We did about 3 coats and it turned out wonderfully!


All finished!!! What do you think? We love it and so happy we chose that door! I'll probably add some kind of rug but I need something that doesn't clash too much with the living area rug - hmm. Now off to do the kid's room ( insert smiling from ear to ear emoji ).


Happy 40th!


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