Bedroom Updates

Hey friends! I hope you are all doing well and slowly easing into this rest this new year! ( This post has been in my drafts for so long that I had to change it from 'easing into fall' to the ' new year' - HA! )

Things around here are still slow going as far as house updates. It's mainly because we are trying to figure out what our next big project should be and things have just been busy around here. However, one of the things we recently did was swap rooms! Mike needed an official home office and I needed the push to get my Dex and Bodie shop items in order, ha! So we thought this was the perfect time to switch rooms and update our current set up. I am stoked to finally start designing our new space.

Here is where our room was and what it looked like before .

( In true Tia fashion - I completely forgot to take a photo of our current set-up so this is a very old photo and when this post was written, we had already taken down the old bed and dresser )

The room was in the front of the house and the plan was to swap it with the office in the back of our house.

The dresser was my husband's when he was a teenager - I know.

The rooms in our small home are only about 10x10 so we always need to maximize space! We clearly need help with that ( insert cheesy emoji)!

And here was the "office" before. I used it mainly for Dex and Bodie ( and home-school during the height of the pandemic - so um fun, yea fun ).

When bought our home around 7 years ago, the "closet" used to be a pass through to the kitchen but we took some space to open up the kitchen then we closed off the opening. Because of that it actually made this room slightly larger than our other 2 rooms ( keep in mind, our house only about 1100 sqft ). It made total sense to swap rooms!

Once we moved around, we basically had a complete blank slate to work with. That can sometimes be a bit overwhelming! Honestly, taking things slow and really taking your time to see what works in your space can be really fun!

And here we are today!

We started with updating our bed to a simple platform style. Eventually I will build - oh who am I kidding- Mike will build a simple headboard and add lighting .

We added items from the IKEA Pax system (well the pieces that were available 🫠) and that really helped with our closet organization. We still need to add lighting inside and doors but the room is starting to feel cozy and comfy… more updates and source list to come next!


Year 15


Louisiana Trip / Part one!